Use the Cerulean Hidden Tear in the Wondrous Physick to eliminate all FP consumption.Use your preferred armor, but the Raptors Black Feathers is a great armor piece as it strengthens jump attacks and the Omensmirk Mask will increase strength by 2.You can also use Flame Grant Me Strength to raise physical and fire-affinity attack power. Using Terra Magica will buff magic attacks, paired with Golden Vow that gives 15% more damage, and reduces damage taken by 10 %, which will make the weapons deal amazing damage.Use the Starscourge Greatsword and a heavy shield, the Golden Greatshield or the Fingerprint shield will work great.Pairs well with a heavy shield and with all your levels going into strength you will be able to use some amazing shields.Scales with strength, and can have B scaling.Paired with a heavy shield, you will be able to block anything and hit anyone. The Starscourge Greatsword is amazing, with B scaling in strength at +10 and a massive AOE attack from its weapon art. In the Wondrous Physick, use the Opaline Bubbletear to absorb one hit without taking damage, and the Crimsonburst Crystal Tear to regenerate health.Use the Claw Talisman to enhance jump attacks.Use the Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman for extra damage negation.For spells, use Golden Vow before a fight and Flame Grant me Strength, other spells are your choice.Use the Lord of Blood’s Exaltation to increase attack power when in the vicinity of blood loss.

For talismans, use the Shard of Alexander as it increases damage from the weapon skill.For armor use the White Mask that increases attack power when in the vicinity of blood loss, the rest of the armor is up to you.Add a Seal in your shield hand to use incantations.Use the Bloodhounds Fang as the main weapon, with a small or medium shield like the Buckler or the Inverted Hawk Heater shield to parry or a Greatshield for better guard counters like the Fingerprint shield.Pairs really well with any shield and with blood loss build-up.Can use magic and consumables to buff the weapon.With the Bloodhounds Fang being one amazing weapon and being able to deal great damage and this build being usable early on, why wouldn’t you try this weapon? Paired with a good shield you will be able to deal good damage from guard counters as well.